Why Ayh?
"...may not meet professional standards."
1205 miters
123 tenons
@pkvi · 5d
What is modernly ironic in that organic evolution is adaptation to environmental conditions, subsequently cultural division will be the by-product of natural evolutionary mechanisms from /coerced/ environmental conditions. #Anarchy (power off) instigates community driven homogeneity.

@pkvi · 5d
>america's responsibility in the world
pkvi: We shall not pollute on our neighbors.
Pol: We must have a say in your security.
America has always been differing degrees of imperialistic dictatorship. It is how far from center (citizen) when history then trumpets limitations and empires fall.

@pkvi · 5d
There is a burgeoning dose of paradoxical reality with auto generated content ("AI") in that the very same types of individuals whom adopt skipping the learning curve will be unable to communicate said information when also desiring a social media personality career.
>dead air generation

@pkvi · 6d
Truth is that little of behavior has changed for centuries. What has been recast explicitly is "who", and by consequence the conditions around the same things we did, have deteriorated. Defensiveness is a mechanism of those who subliminally perceive their inferior acclimation

@pkvi · 7d
>negative space influenced by particle movement
Yet in SM, the particle (cloud) must shift a % of self to represent a value of energy
Would it not be easier to combine the field and particle (densities) as elevated states of energetic movement deflected \(ಠ_ಠ)/ #RFT

@pkvi · 9d
A consequential weapon empire builders must employ is cultural assurance (dogma) that no one may speak up shrewdly long enough to corral a mob. And if demand by desperation exceeds procedure, then you must craft a fable worthy of satiating ignorant bliss.
>jesus walked on water

· 9d
belief (bə-ˈlēf) n.
1. a state or habit of mind in which confidence is placed
>politician is a metaphor for liar
Remarkable to see peasants perpetuate a gov whilst acknowledging corruptions. Catalyst for our species to acquire inherent ritualism was likely as groups split due to resource limitations

@pkvi · 9d
belief (bə-ˈlēf) n.
1. a state or habit of mind in which confidence is placed
>politician is a metaphor for liar
Remarkable to see peasants perpetuate a gov whilst acknowledging corruptions. Catalyst for our species to acquire inherent ritualism was likely as groups split due to resource limitations

@pkvi · 16d
>*void where prohibited
>thinking side effects may include..

@pkvi · 18d
>activist science
Plucked-out-of-university journalists are bred to not only deny valid scientific theoretical arguments due to institutionalization, but so as to sustain the practice when short on fresh consumption, they are encouraged (editor) to discredit claims no one is making. #BurnTheBridge

@pkvi · 19d
It seems a 6,000 plus year old cliche to say that good leadership is not about having all the answers but knowing how to ask the right questions and having the aptitude to decide and courage to face the consequence.
>those who ask questions (beat) lead
>those who have answers (beat) follow

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