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8 results for "DOE"
@pkvi · 4y 175d
Slutty singer performs painted with layers of makeup.
Slutty singer does interviews painted with layers of makeup.
Slutty singer accepts award painted with layers of makeup.
Slutty singer on Instagram: This is me w/o makeup, be genuine!

@pkvi · 4y 227d
Collaborate this with social standings ie 'a sense of community' 'culture' 'identity' and 'patriotism' and America's rank would plummet further. Just bcz a place is occupied with people does not make it a natural congregation of people. #pfs
@pkvi · 4y 244d
Primary education infrastructure will consist of a semi-continuous (13) year tiered system initiating from the ages 2.5 to 3 years. Data will be set and achievement will be measured by branch of study. #pfs #doe #tiereducation
@pkvi · 4y 290d
Differentiating regional human traits (formerly "race") will be further identified as "breeds". #pfs #dor #doe
@pkvi · 4y 305d
The fact that there is rotation in the universe is evidence that space is a density to be considered before calculating the origin of matter - and that all things are headed some where - thus space does not qualify as isolated.
@pkvi · 4y 323d
Having sophisticated things does not qualify your culture as civilized. Post script; every technologically advanced culture - is not an advanced species. The metric for success for a species is to subsist. Every thing latter is burden and bust.
@pkvi · 4y 330d
ALERT: God does not exist and religion is not moral guidance. Humans are a species that exist within a set of parameters consistent across all of Nature. Any thing else is theatrics.
@pkvi · 5y 22d
How does a leader mentally compensate for the inevitable utter garbage of many peasants? There is a scarcity of advice from history's great conquerors about not constantly sighing in disappointment and pondering 'what for'.
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